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Contact Planet Xylo

Planet XylO is fascinated by woodcuts and especially
wood engraving. We want to be one of the stop off
places for anyone who would like to learn more about
this centuries old art form. We have a goal of one day
serving as an artist's print clearing house.

Our logo font is Leather, designed by engraver and
typographer Imre Reiner.

The tool has a subtle voice. It will only confide in the understanding craftsman. It can become the only living thing about you. All feeling and life; all action and intensity can pass into the tool until the body clouds up and only the point of the tool is in focus. It is then that the tool will talk and all is well.

John Farleigh

Apart from its use as a tool for multiplying prints, there is a quite remarkable pleasure in working with well-ground tools upon a fine Box-Wood block. To the creative person with the right flair the fascination is indescribable. As a student this writer could simply not get to bed for it.

Douglas P. Bliss

I was looking at a black and white world.
It seemed so exciting.

Elvis Costello